Broken Links - Folder Names & Content Block Titles

Folder Names

Folder names should be a short as possible and should not contain special charcters.

    Never EDIT a Folder name (title)!

      Editing a folder name will break every link to all of the content in the folder. All links will need to be manually found and redirected.

        Folder Deletion Breaks Links

        If you delete a Folder - links are broken to everything that was in the folder because when a folder is deleted all the information that was in it is deleted and it is not recoverable. It will have to be manually rebuilt.

          Content Block Titles

          Be careful when editing the title of a Content Block

            Changing the Title of a content block will break every link to that content block.  All links will need to be manually found and redirected.

            Not sure what a Content Block Title is? Click the link below for an explanation.