1. The website address (URL) or name of the website
This needs to include the url or website address of each page in the site that needs updated.
What is a URL or webpage address?
When sending website requests, please bring up the appropriate website in a browser window and navigate to the page you want updated. Then provide the path you took from the homepage to get to the page you wanted updated or provide us with the URL to the page.
2. What do you want done?
Does something need to be added, replaced, deleted or removed? Please be specific. Asking for a link to be deleted does not tell us to delete the document as well. Please avoid the use of non-specific words like 'update'.
3. Documents & File Naming Conventions
For documents that are being replaced or removed, please provide:
- the url of the page the link text appears on or should appear on
- the link text to be used for which attached file
- the url of the document on the site, or the path to the document in the work area
- Document file names should be formatted properly before being sent to state web (spaces, periods and special characters removed). These can be replaced with camelCasingLikeThis , dashes “-”, or underscores “_”. Review File Naming Conventions for clarification.
4. Requestor's Contact Information
The requestor’s name, phone and email address
5. To Report a Problem with an Ektron Website
- Which website is experiencing the issue?
- The url to the page in the site the error or issue appears on?
- Specifically what was the problem experienced?
- Did the page not load? If it didn't load, what was the error message returned? Please print screen the error.
- Document Issues:
- If the latest version of a document that has been uploaded to the system is not appearing on the site, does the file have spaces, or special characters in the file name? If so, delete the file and rename it without the spaces and special characters in the file name and re-upload it.
- If the latest version of a document is not appearing on the site and there are no spaces or special characters in the file name; what has been changed in the latest version?