Ektron Listserv Lists

How to enter the link information in the hyperlink manager:

A Listserv Subscribe/Unsubscribe link should open a new email with the subject and body filled out but without any type of signature.

    Note:  The %20 symbol below represents a blank space.


        Body - Change the "?body=subscribe%20Radiationcontrol" code to represent your particular listserv.  This is the portion of text that will appear in the body of the email and it must have a %20 in between each separate word.  %20 represents a blank pace.

          Subject: Change the subject=I%20want%20to%20subscribe%20to%20the%20Radiation%20Control%20
          Listserv to reflect your particular listserv list.  This is the information that will appear in the subject line of the email.

            To subscribe, enter the code below into the Email address portion of the link manager dialog box.  (Note:  The code in red below is shown on 2 lines to fit on the screen.  When entered into the link manager dialog box it should be on a single line with no spaces).



                To create the unsubscribe, enter the code below into the Email address portion of the link manager dialog box. (Note: The code in red below is shown on 2 lines to fit on the screen. When entered into the link manager dialog box it should be on a single line with no spaces). You must place a %20 in between each word to represent spaces if you have any blank spaces in the listserv name.


                  Link Manager Example

                  • Example of Listserv address in the Link Manager Dialog box