Upcoming Meetings - Office of the Chief Information Officer

This page will display a listing of the various upcoming meetings related to Office of the Chief Information Officer.

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Upcoming Meetings - Office of the Chief Information Officer
PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation -- Permanent Amendments to NAC 242
01:00 PM
originate - NSLA Room 110, 100 North Stewart Street - Carson City, Nevada
Notice of Intent to Act Upon Regulation -- Permanent Amendments to NACPublic Hearing Intent to Act Upon a Regulation NAC 242 Meeting Minutes 08072024
In person meeting only.
WORKSHOP --- Permanent Amendments to NAC 242
1:00 PM
originate110 - Nevada State Library and Archives 100 N. Stewart Street - Carson City, NV 89701
OCIO Notice of Workshop NAC 242Permanent Amendments to NAC 242 Workshop Meeting Minutes